One of MAPSA’s main research projects was preparing the Housing Industrialization Road Map of Iran (HIRMI) and Housing Industrialization Strategic Plan (HISP). This road map was published in 2010 and consists of 14 volumes and more than 2800 pages.

Titles :

1Analyzing the current trend and prediction of the future trend of supply and estimating the capacity of housing industrialization in Iran until 2025
2Recognizing the problems of housing construction in the present and future
3Inspecting the climatic, social, and cultural characteristics and studying mines supplying raw materials in the provinces of Iran
4Investigating the production and consumption of materials and their distribution in the provinces of Iran
5Factories producing new materials, builders of building technologies and their capacity
6Comprehensive definition of industrialization and its comparison with common methods of housing construction
7Results and prerequisites of housing industrialization
8Investigating the characteristics and methods of industrial production
9Experiences of housing industrialization
10Comparison and ranking of housing industrialization technologies
11Adaptation of selected technologies according to Iran provinces
12Locating selected Iran provinces and specifying preferred industrialization technologies and providing a deployment map
13Legal environment and executive program
14Summary and conclusion

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